Up in 2015

Knole Park Squash Club is looking forward to a great year in 2015.

Membership is again increasing - we are up to 75 adult members and 25 Juniors.

Our 1st team is sitting on the shoulder of the 2nd placed team in Division 3 Kent North West - only just outside an automatic promotion place.   The second team hope to better their first half performance with most key players back from holidays and injuries.

One of our top players, Peter Sykes, who we thought we had lost has secured a posting to Gatwick, so we hope he will be around to help us push on in Division 2 in the Summer season.

The Juniors, under the guidance of Coach James Hall are about to start their own leagues and inter-club matches - a great boost by James from virtually a standing start last year.

Good luck and good squashing to all in 2015. 


Back to winning ways

After a slow start to the Winter season, both Knole Park teams recorded wins this week.

First up, the 2nds - with the help of Mike Wright on loan from the 1st team - did a solid job of repelling Bexley by 4 matches to 1.

Then the 1st team gained their first win of the season on Wednesday with a close win 3-2 over Tunbridge Wells.

David Falconer had a rare bad night, but is no doubt saving himself for the weekend.  On Sunday David will represent Kent Over 50s in the inter-county tournament against Surrey at Wimbledon.  We wish him luck as he fights for his recently adopted home county.

Champions! KP1 v Beckenham 16/09/2014

Predicting Priory (sorry, I mean North West) outcomes has always been tricky, especially in the Summer.  And objective 1 has usually been to turn out a full team – with objective 2 being to give everyone a well-matched and enjoyable game.

Give full credit then to Beckenham for turning out a side, when they must have been bitterly disappointed that their top 3 were unavailable for a critical relegation battle. 

Knole, on the other hand were still smarting from the previous week’s drubbing at the hands of promotion and title rivals Bexley.  Knole had recalled Peter from his foreign flying careers (in Dubai and Scotland) – just as they were taxiing down the runway.  Super-sub Ben had sped in from Surrey duty and slightly-injured James Hall was standing by to push his poor paw to the limit if pressed.

Real-time posting of the result was in place, so the NWK website could come alive – and in the hope that the results from elsewhere came through to ease the home team’s worries.

All of the Knole players were ‘up for it’ – the news that Beckenham were light at the top did little to reduce the adrenaline flow.   Apart from at 1st string, where Knole’s youngest, Pete found the burgeoning talents of Alisdair a handful early on.  Pete was a little too relaxed and his idea of rallying in the first game played right into Alisdair’s hands.  A slight doubt crept in for the supporters, but Pete managed to up his game sufficiently to overpower a tiring Alisdair – who nevertheless had done enough to impress those who hadn’t seen him play since the first half of the season. 

Alisdair sends Pete to the front wall

Alisdair sends Pete to the front wall

Unfortunately for Beckenham and for the enjoyment of all, the rest of the Knole team were keen on winning every possible rally, even after David had brushed off Ian and Mike had slotted in the league-winning points against James.   

The moment when James prepared to hit the league-winning tin against Mike.  Niall looks on in awe.

The moment when James prepared to hit the league-winning tin against Mike.  Niall looks on in awe.

James was able to rest and Pete could tick one thing off his bucket list - #2 being the result of his interview earlier - we wish him well with whichever flight path he takes.

Meanwhile - the 2nd Team 11/09/2014

Knole's 2nd team have been plugging on in Division 5 against some tough opponents most weeks.  They are now firmly established in 6th place out of 9 and enjoying their squash accordingly.

On Thursday, a fine advert for the spirit of the game saw runaway favourites for the league (until they fell foul of the rules) Bromley Lawn Tennis Club do just enough to shade a close match - incidentally a closeness engineered by the sporting approach of the two managers.
BLTC dragged their sorry carcasses off their bikes after a charity ride from Paris in aid of the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund - albeit two days late for the match. But their cycling team stayed together as a man, in spite of saddle sores and 'rustiness' and provided entertainment and a few tips for the losers.

BLTC after their ride but before the squash

BLTC after their ride but before the squash

Tim sportingly refused a stroke that would have given him game ball in the third - no one is quite sure why he disobeyed team orders! Then managed to lose to a Gary who clearly had trouble knowing which end the pedals were on.

Mark W, as usual, bullied the frail Gareth off the court - but was very nice about it afterwards.

Mark J, making his first appearance for about 2 years managed to hobble around the T long enough to show that his tight lengths have not deserted him. Chris ignored his coaches' advice to the effect that Mark was unable to limp beyond the halfway line.

Brian slammed his way to a 9-0 1-0 lead before JJ had woken up - then proceeded to miss all of John's boasts (he complained afterwards that this was unfair as John had told himself to stop boasting - I lied, sorry!).

Finally, Pete held us up by trying to stay with a lazy display by the Parisian 'Map Man'- although he made up for it by hitting the ball straight back to Keith at every possible opportunity. [You should have sent him a map, Keith.]

All in all a very pleasant evening with nothing much at stake.

Looking fresh

Looking fresh

KP1 v Bexley 3 10/09/2014

Hi all

I have become accustomed to reporting on convincing wins of late but fear that no such interpretation could be placed on the battle at Bexley last night.

Just three points in all (5/0 loss) does not however do any justice to a sterling effort by all involved.  It is clear, though, that Pete Sykes' input, this season, was invaluable - as we already knew!

Bexley had their top team out and there were no weak links to attack.  There is little to comment on individually since everybody ‘left it all on the court’ as Jimmy Connors
often said (that shows my age - maybe somebody could think of a current squash player with similar views to insert here!).  Suffice to say that David, at 1, played his ‘socks’ off (why haven't I used that one before!?) to gain two games and the majority of points on the night.

This Bexley side is a mainly young collection of talent who ‘stayed with’ the complete physical commitment of a very focused Knole1 side which, we thought, had one hand on the league trophy. The last match now is really set up to be a hum dinger and ‘stato’ jolly John Creek will ensure that everybody knows exactly what is required to gain promotion (which is very likely, but not nailed yet) and win the league (definitely not a ‘done deal’).

We were very pleased to welcome a ‘packed’ balcony.  Mr Creek was able  to engage with some interesting discussions on the politics of a Bexley/Park Langley altercation over points allocation - the details of which are somewhat arcane - but resolution will likely be achieved by common sense and common consent rather than by a computer, with which I would heartily agree.

Karl Pople was most welcome having been a sturdy participant mainly in the lower league battles at Wildernesse.  His return next year may see him re-joining the fray, but maybe, like myself as a Knole 2 squad option?  We were both marvelling at the court coverage and fitness of Knole 1 and questioning whether we ever reached such lofty levels of performance even at our best!? Glad the back is behaving itself Karl. 

Ralph Abbott also joined us and revived memories of his distant squash past with Rob (the Bexley 5) when he was a junior babe in arms.  With dodgy knees and a few extra ounces it may well be a stretch to call Rob one of the ‘mainly young’ Bexley side but he sure is still impressively talented, as Chris SB found out.

All in all then no complaints and the better side won on the night to set up Beckenham 1 at HOME on the 16th Sept.  Groupies, as always, welcome.  The match at number one between Guy Olby and Ben should be an enthralling tussle.  I am regrettably away but look forward to hearing some positive news on my return.

Stay healthy .MJ

P.S.  I promised to keep you in the loop on my progress back to some competitive action. I am pleased to report that I secured a 3/0 win v BLTC, a match in which ‘stato’ excelled himself and beat Brian Ford convincingly (needing to play some rather better squash than was demanded of myself) for an overall 3/2 loss.


KP1 v Sydenham (top against bottom) 26/08/2014

Good morning readers.

The team had another marvellous (or should that be awesome?) win last night and secured another 18 points to go 17 points ahead in Div 3 according to stato Jolly John Creek.

and verified eventually by admin!

and verified eventually by admin!

For this week’s comments read last week’s report since practically all applies.  Sydenham were severely weak being short of two/three players and it showed.

David, James and Niall effectively buried their opponents and it was not so much a matter of whether they would win more a case of how quickly they could contrive to do so.  Sydenham tried the old trick of saying the lights didn’t work on one court but James and Chris S-B  took this in their stride and demonstrated that a carrot-rich diet can overcome all eventualities.  James opined that it was an applied lesson in match concentration (but whether ones thoughts would be the same with a more demanding opponent is questionable) - the conditions were clearly far from ideal.

Whatever the ambient lighting, James was moving with assured economy and demonstrated some fine racket skills.  Niall put in his normal shift of long ball excellence but will surely be exposed by better opponents at the front of the court by too many poor and down front drops.  That’s your training challenge Niall - focus on the drops – you’re far, far, far too good a player to be this limited at the front!

‘Socks’ (David) was ruthless again and got his game over in double quick time.  Dan was a beaten man by the end of the second and effectively chucked in the towel.  Given that anything can happen in a match (see next comments) i.e. injury/mental implosion etc., it is unusual to see opponents effectively concede the game before it’s over but when David is in this mood it’s kind of understandable.  The routine drive to step a yard forward on practically every ball is what makes him so effective, combined with a natural tendency to drop anything that is hanging or loose. 

Pete had a disappointing encounter which he clearly expected to win (very dangerous) having done so before.  Tats is far too good a player to allow a sound drubbing for a game and a half to stifle his ambitions.  Pete exhibited his usual highly impressive physicality and explosive movement - maybe too explosive!  A shoulder pull intervened to change the whole shape of play and Tats took control.  With now limited physical capability Pete engaged brain, after some guidance from coach James, and manoeuvred a 6/0 advantage in the fourth with lobs/drops and a slow ball game.  ‘Wings’ could not, however, resist ‘flying’ again and returned to the hard-hitting ultra-mobile game which obviously suited Tats who gratefully cleaned up, with, one would think, a degree of surprise at the turn of events!

Well played all. The pedigree to take this team to a higher league is maturing nicely and even without Pete, shortly, one feels that the team will hold its own and relish sterner challenges to come.

Stay healthy. Cheerio.  Mark Johnson.
(P.S.: I will buy you a pint if you pick up on the little bit of wordplay herein!)  [Only Doombar and Harveys in the Anchor, Mark – no Pedigree – Ed]

KP1 v Sundridge Park 2 - 21/08/2014

Morning readers.  

Squash can be a very unforgiving game.  When there is a level difference between two players it often looks as if the underdog has barely played before, when in fact, at his (or her) own level they are actually rather good players.

The level that Knole 1 is now playing at exposed such a gulf against the (albeit weakened)
Sundridge side.  Thus for David/James/Nialls’ games they all lost a TOTAL of only 19 points and never came close to losing a game. [So quick, in fact, that the photographer missed all the action - Ed]

Maybe David rather liked the symmetry of a straight 9/1 scoreline all through or/and maybe he had visions of the match slipping from his grasp from 2/0 up, which was never going to happen (but has in the past !!).  I have watched Peter Ng playing with my mate Keith Palmer up at BLTC when I am waiting to be coached/play and I can assure you he is a very decent opponent, although you might not think so from his showing in this match.

James and Niall were slightly ‘kinder’ to their opponents without dangerously taking their feet off the gas and what suffers here is the short game – it’s much easier to crank the ball around hard to a length than to finesse a tight drop - now I am being picky!

Pete gave us a tremendous show of his court coverage again until he pulled a hamstring (or got cramp?).  In fact one might observe that his movement is TOO exuberant (or maybe that’s crippo Johnson being just a tad jealous!).  Cold reflection of two previous matches v Guy Olby and Ted Jeal provoke me to observe that their movement is much less ‘enthusiatic’ and clearly more effective - there is me being picky again.  Jim adopted a tactic which I much applaud, showing us some great lobs - yes that thingy that goes  up high and drops dead in the back if you get it right or gives you time to recover to the T.  Pete did well to nail it 3/1 or surely would have retired.  Jim blew it and really must be kicking himself not to have taken it to 2/2.  We all hope you got the massage that was being discussed and that next Tuesday will see you in action again Pete.
My earlier comments re levels might well apply to Chris Ivey’s game, except he was on the receiving end of a drubbing against a strong physical opponent, who was particularly able to pick up all the somewhat loose drops.  Thanks for pitching up Chris - I hope it was not too painful an experience.

So, another 17 points and Div 3 ours to lose(?).  Mr Creek is gathering all the data assiduously and is far better able to pinpoint the crucial confrontations between the other teams.  Pete being absent for the last two/three games makes it more interesting than we would like but since we have seriously benefitted from other teams being short, I guess this levels the playing field.

Barry did not serve up the steak pie that I promised David [nor you the plums, Mark - Ed], but I am sure we shall sample it before this season is done.  Well played all. It’s a delight to view a winning team playing quality squash each week and I am always pleased to get away with marking a couple of matches without my heritage being impugned.

Stay healthy.  Mark Johnson.

Consolidation Party - KP1 v Cascades 12/08/2014

Greetings readers
Groupies failed to materialize for this encounter, but next week is:

So you have another chance to see your rampant first team in thrilling action and I can probably get you fed and watered afterwards for a small donation to funds!  I might even be able to scrump some more plums to bring along.
Yes - another great win against a team missing their number one.  18 points were garnered and only four dropped for a 4/1 win.   Since Cascades are batting toward the bottom of Div. 3, I guess we could have expected a result like this, however it’s good to put the points on the board.

I am probably tempting fate but the team results keep coming despite somebody having a bit of a ‘mare’ each week - but not all at once fortunately.  It was David’s turn this week, but he was playing the talented Hany (Taleb)!  I didn’t see this one due to marking duties, but apparently David’s short game and early take accuracy deserted him from a favourable advantageous position in game 2.

Pete had a bit of an in and out encounter the result of which was really not in doubt and the brief lapses reflected his certainty of this outcome (win 3/0).

James , Niall and Mike had fairly routine games and they all did their job with little drama ( 3/0, 3/1, 3/0).

And thus a paucity of pithy comments available from your esteemed author (i.e. me).

James treated us to the elegant symmetry of straight 5’s in his match.   Whether this was achieved by commendable control or simple good fortune I am not sure?

Barry (Anchor) fed us a magnificent nosh majoring with his division one chicken pie offering.  Everybody voted with their knife and fork and left a clean plate – it’s good not to have to berate anybody for not eating their greens.  We are very likely to sample the steak pies next week so there is another good reason to lend your support!

Another great match - Div 2 looms closer?

The contenders?

The contenders?

[Ed - just a reminder - it's the plaque we're after, not the promotion!  We've never won Summer Div. 3. ]

[Ed - just a reminder - it's the plaque we're after, not the promotion!  We've never won Summer Div. 3. ]

Stay healthy.  Best wishes, Mark Johnson.


Top of the table clash KP1 v Park Langley 4 05/08/2014

Greetings to all.

Another tasty match last night, with Knole nicking a win (3/2) v a Park Langley crew short of some superstars. 

You can only play what is put in front of you so we gratefully take the points on offer that take us top of Div 3 by ten full points.

Good to see my old mucker Andy Blackman again and he sees Knole 1 as the ‘Creek and Johnson likely lads’ - is that likely to win div 3 Andy, or did you have something else in mind?

I didn’t see any of Pete S game but it was good to see a solid win after the break in normal service for the last three weeks (3/1 win).  [A bit tentative, but he did seem to have something in reserve though clearly not fully fit – Ed].

Orange is good too, David.

Orange is good too, David.

David, with Pop’s support from the gallery, seemed comfortable at 2/2 having dragged back from 2/0 down but  ‘scruffy git’ Kevin showed great fortitude and admirable application to turn the 5th back his way.  I am allowed to be rude about Kevin since I am only repeating AB’s comments in his results report.  This one was a compelling tussle, well played.

James had the measure of Dave Harris to 8/1 in the first then had a dose of the ‘yips’ and stopped doing the winning stuff.  James nicked the second with apparent ease but Dave got into his impressive stride again and wound out a 3/1 winner.


The ebb and flow of some of these matches each week is quite astounding and I am glad I was not
tempted by Tim Powell, another of my past team mates, to put a couple of bob on the outcome of this one.

AB played Niall in the end and ran him rather harder than I was expecting, mainly due to Niall's shaky and inconsistent front court game (3/0 win).


Interesting to see that even veterans and very good players like Mr Harris come up with some inexplicable decisions which gave AB cause to look somewhat disgruntled.  Marking squash matches is not a simple and clear task!

The two Mikes battled it out at five with lively commitment but Knole ran it out 3/1 with sustained physical input and control.  The  Maestro looked to be having difficulty not to be drawn into the stab and poke (but surprisingly effective) style of his opponent so it was a relief to see that ‘normal service’ resumed by the end of the match.

The groupie contingent were rewarded for their interest by the PL 1 v DULWICH 1 (Division 1) match on the next court with Tim Garner  v Steve London at 1 the highlight. To be sure we saw a lot of great squash last Tuesday.
Next week looks like the full team again AT HOME v Cascades some come along and lend a cheer.

Best wishes to all. MJ

KP 1 v Poultwood 1 - 29/7/2014

Hi readers.

Knole 1 registered another valiant win but it was a close one at 3/2.

Pete B stepped up for David’s absence and made Craig pull all the stops out to stifle his
shot making and energetic movement - but some loose shot selection saw a 3/1 loss on this
occasion.  Considering Pete’s lack of court time recently it was a very good show.  [And his one team point gained means that Knole stay top by one point tonight – Ed.]

Mike dredged up a memorable 3/2 win against an, arguably, more skilful oppo.  When the last game of marathons like this become a SIX pointer the pressure is really on and it is clear that Mike relishes such a task!  The saga with his racket selection continues and he changed bats about four times for this epic.  Great game in which the famous trickle boast really made the small difference that was needed overall !

Niall had a very handy 3/2 win but it did not have quite the same frisson of excitement because
it was not the last match (as was Mike’s).   I saw little of this one but the score line shows a
dramatically changing flux of fortunes.  Niall did not let his head drop on this one and saw it
through to an impressively successful end.

James is looking to be in a comfortable place at present in these matches and relentlessly  dropped his amply proportioned and very skilled opponent to a convincing 3/1 win.  A dip in the third game may well have led to a bit of a meltdown but his now solid mental strength prevailed.

Pete S looked as if he was still suffering a bit of a hangover from the last two very difficult
matches he has had.  [Are you feeding him properly? – Ed].   It seemed very obvious to Mike and me that  the ball they were using had no ‘pop’ at all, but neither player seemed bothered to change it - same for both players, I know, but playing with a ‘puddin’’  seemed a little questionable?

Poultwood have a good side and it was a very tasty team result to nail this win, particularly with David away and Pete having a (well earned) temporary lapse of form.

Well played all. (Glad I ate before I came out this time).

Looking forward to next week away at Park Langley with a full squad. MJ

KP1 v Nuffield Health 1 - 22/07/2014

Hi readers .

Well, we said that being top of the league would draw some good opposition and indeed Nuffield pitched up with Ted.

 Nuffield basically came along with their bestest team and caught us a little light without Niall. This loss 3/2 however keeps us top by 3 points and represents a most creditable effort with some all-round excellent squash played - where were all the groupies??, this was a home game and if you haven’t seen Ted Jeal play you don’t have any real understanding of how good this game can get! 

Mark F gave it his best at five, nicked a game and looked intermittently threatening but ultimately the short rally, low percentage game has to be firing on all cylinders to make a really telling impression on somebody of Alan Saxer’s experience.  [Cruel – but fair – Ed].  Thanks for stepping up Mark ..(3/1 loss)
I saw little of Mike’s game but understand he had a significant coming together with Darren, which both walked away from fortunately.  Mike didn’t quite manage to turn the match round in the later stages as he so often does but his oppo was a seriously proficient player who was hardly likely to wilt given his obvious physical stature. (3/1 loss)
As Jolly John (Creek) observed, both James (3/1 win) and David (3/2) really gave it some stick this week - were severely tested and came through with flying colours.  I regret I saw little of David’s game but what I saw was impressive against an eager young blade who (dare I say fortunately) was a little discombobulated with the court - with rather little justification one felt.  Maybe we should have suggested using the Wildernesse courts which, of course ,his squad colleague, Mandy Akin, always enjoyed so much - especially in past tussles with the maestro !!??

James is now back ‘on it’ and we look forward with heightened anticipation of what he may be able to carve out playing at 2 next week away to Poultwood (in David’s absence).   This was an ultra-physical match with both players fighting for central court position and doing so in a most sportsmanlike fashion.  I had a ‘good’ night marking, made very easy by the good natured attitude of both players.
Pete really had his work cut out against Ted who apparently beat Guy Olby.  So Pete has played two seriously good oppos back to back and would not come across better protagonists even at the top order of division 1 (loss 3/0).  Mike spiced up the proceedings with some ‘interesting’ marking in the fifth which Ted chose not challenge seriously - with the loss of only two points in the match it might have been deemed churlish to do so !?  There are sports writers out there who opine that there is no such thing as ‘talent’ - a view with which I vehemently disagree.  Most players could play 10 hours a day with the best possible coaches and never approach the inventive genius of sportsman like Ted. Dear reader - If you think you play squash get yourself along to a Priory match and cast an eye over his performance – it’s likely to be something of a revelation if you have never viewed a game at this level . 
Excellent stuff, chaps.  The leader board has tightened up dramatically so this second half is sure to produce more exciting matches.  See you next week away to Poultwood .

Stay healthy.  Best wishes MJ.

[To see the Division 3 league leaders while they last, go to: 

http://kent-squash.countyleagues.co.uk/ ]