Good morning readers.
Jolly John predicted a 3/2 win for this one - but such is the motivation and dedication of Knole 1 that a 5/0 score line was recorded (and input by John) last night gaining a further 20 points - it don’t get no better than that!
Pete ‘Wings’ Sykes is now off to pastures new in Dubai so I guess we need to listen out for his name when we are flying in the next few years. Best of good fortune, Pete; I am sure things will work out great for you. You have been a magnificent addition to the team and will always be welcome back when you are jetting by in the future. Maybe Guy Olby and Ted Jeal will have to sharpen their act against you in a year or two if you are able to hone your considerable talents against some superior ex-pat opposition!? Your match against Darren finished in a fitting manner with an ultra-dominant 9/0 with no change of hands - nice one to finish on I reckon!
Play every shot as if it were your last - Pete fully focused.
Mr Creek got one or two sharp looks on marking duties but we thank him for his assistance in the absence of any other volunteers. If I am to write these missives, marking more than just the one match (and thus not able to watch the other court) would make my musings herein a little thin.
David allowed Ross a meagre six points in another ultra-sharp demolition accompanied by much squeaking of shoe rubber - sure sign of a good match with nippy directional changes! Ross was definitely not 100% with a groin strain but we all know how dangerous an injured oppo can be and David allowed no quarter - knowing that the whole nature of a match can turn quite abruptly if you take the pressure off.
James was feeling a bit peaky and unfortunately missed the (yet again) excellent supper at The Anchor. Early dominance was eroded into a hard grind with Matt obviously gaining confidence and James's game maybe sliding a couple of percent - small margins! It required some stoical application to continue chasing a very tough opponent to a well-earned 3/2 winning conclusion. One would like to think that the concept of ‘aggregate of marginal gain’ [Is that something they put on the roads? – Ed] could apply - with the new racket being part of your multi-stranded winning, and improving, package, eh James ?
Niall allowed Andy just 5 points in all and I saw none of it. The last game was another 9/0 so that screams of domination or/and capitulation. More handy points however it worked. Well played again Niall.
Chris S-B has slotted back very fortuitously in Mike’s absence - and will be required next week (Wednesday) with Pete out of the frame. The competitive juices were flowing strong and Chris was quite miffed at not knocking this one over 3/0 as had Pete, David and Niall. It goes without saying that Chris vigorously investigated all four corners of the court with enviable application and often in the same rally (several times) - good stuff.
So, well played all. Winning the league now looks within the bounds of possibility, but I look forward to witnessing some heroic rear-guard action if things get really tight in the closing stages, which would be nothing less than we have come to expect from Maestro Mike et al!
As a footnote to all this superior athletic action, yours truly is now primed to give this game a (probably) final bash. I have been generously invited to join the second team endeavours v Bromley Lawn TC next week - my old muckers of many years past. I hope not to sink ignominiously into oblivion and destroy any lingering reputation that I maybe have, but it’s worth a last little crack - the older I have got the better I was - possibly!? [Not true, Mark – you’ve a great future behind you – Ed]
Celebrating with Anchor host Barry
Best wishes to all. Stay healthy.