Knole's 2nd team have been plugging on in Division 5 against some tough opponents most weeks. They are now firmly established in 6th place out of 9 and enjoying their squash accordingly.
On Thursday, a fine advert for the spirit of the game saw runaway favourites for the league (until they fell foul of the rules) Bromley Lawn Tennis Club do just enough to shade a close match - incidentally a closeness engineered by the sporting approach of the two managers.
BLTC dragged their sorry carcasses off their bikes after a charity ride from Paris in aid of the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund - albeit two days late for the match. But their cycling team stayed together as a man, in spite of saddle sores and 'rustiness' and provided entertainment and a few tips for the losers.
BLTC after their ride but before the squash
Tim sportingly refused a stroke that would have given him game ball in the third - no one is quite sure why he disobeyed team orders! Then managed to lose to a Gary who clearly had trouble knowing which end the pedals were on.
Mark W, as usual, bullied the frail Gareth off the court - but was very nice about it afterwards.
Mark J, making his first appearance for about 2 years managed to hobble around the T long enough to show that his tight lengths have not deserted him. Chris ignored his coaches' advice to the effect that Mark was unable to limp beyond the halfway line.
Brian slammed his way to a 9-0 1-0 lead before JJ had woken up - then proceeded to miss all of John's boasts (he complained afterwards that this was unfair as John had told himself to stop boasting - I lied, sorry!).
Finally, Pete held us up by trying to stay with a lazy display by the Parisian 'Map Man'- although he made up for it by hitting the ball straight back to Keith at every possible opportunity. [You should have sent him a map, Keith.]
All in all a very pleasant evening with nothing much at stake.
Looking fresh