Evening all.
Dave Hanson (Sundridge Park Captain) used the word "slaughtered" on the scoring input and the word "mullered" filtered out from the showers as I passed.
A 20/1 win certainly is most dominant.. This will be a short report.
The team wanted to get back on track with a good score and this ticks the boxes. Knole 1 is now second in div 3 which is most commendable.
Pete, James and Niall rolled out very controlled and inevitable looking wins (all 3/0).
With his mojo now fully functional, James was thought to be moving like a gazelle -- poetic stuff
from ‘socks’ (Falconer)!!
David and Mike were forced to sweat it out a bit and the maestro actually dropped a game to my old mucker Simon who is still giving it some welly despite anno domini, and still smoking (for which I always berate him mightily). David nailed it in 3 but it was felt that it might have got interesting if a game had slipped ??
All in all one gropes for straws to write about when everybody does their job so impressively.
Well played all and our opponents were a friendly bunch to spent the evening with.
Regards MJ