MARK JOHNSON - In remembrance

Sad to report, we lost our friend Mark Johnson last Sunday.   Here are a few memories.


Mark Johnson will always be ingrained in the squash history of Sevenoaks - he was the consistent thread that ran through the WiIdernesse Squash Club and then was instrumental in merging with Knole Park to create a sustainable future for squash in the district.

Mark could often be found hitting a squash ball with unerring accuracy up and down each side wall on his own or with a partner. He was a master at returning a ball less than an inch off the wall into the back corner with minimal movement.

Mark welcomed many new players with a game of "down the wall" and quickly sussed out their squash capability. I would have loved to have played him at a time that he was fully mobile.

As club captain for more than a decade he organised, ran and supported the team in home and away games. He offered cutting critique of any game and an infectious enthusiasm for the finer points of the game, maintaining that any ball was just a step and a dip away.  

Mark will live on forever in the memory of the club and bring a smile to the balcony when anyone serves the ball out...

 Michael Wright


Mark Johnson lived and breathed squash more than any other person I have known. I don't know many people who are prepared to captain squash teams and write reports when they are not actually playing. Mark just loved the game and loved being there to witness the cut and thrust of another spine tingling squash encounter. As our captain, he took great pleasure in writing up the match reports something that even my good lady enjoyed reading. He was a wordsmith, and his reports will likely never be equalled. 

As a player, unfortunately, I never had the pleasure of seeing him his prime. I did, however, see him beat players many years younger with a sublime display of his talents. He would just be in the right place at the right time and then deliver the cross court nick that provided the coup de gras. Yes, there was a fiery temper but the competitive juices continued to flow strongly whenever he stepped on the court.

I trained regularly with Mark and was often on the receiving end of a good hiding when we first started. In fact, up until very recently, there were very few players that could really challenge him in an alley game or up and down the wall. His racquet skill was just second to none. I personally learnt a significant amount from him and I know he will always be in my thoughts whenever I step on the court. 

Mark always provided convivial company and the squash world will not be the same without him. He was truly a special person and a dear friend. He would sincerely hope that we all continue to enjoy the great game of squash and I for one certainly will. Keep on playing....

James Hall


As both Mike and James have said, Mark will be remembered for his untiring match reports; for me it was his rich vocabulary and forthright opinions, and for teaching me some apt phrases – my favourite being ‘As fit as a butcher’s dog.’   So I can do no more than offer below a selection of his last reports for your enjoyment and remembrance.    Please feel free to add your own thoughts and memories using the Comments facility below, or on our facebook page.   

John Creek



Hi winners.

Expectations were high for this last half match.

Expectations were comprehensively met.  20 more points and many happy bunnies.

In festive spirit one might say "ding dong merrily on high"

"High" being a consolidated 2 spot in div 3 which is no mean achievement in anybody’s book

Of course it must be acknowledged that this was the best team I have ever been associated with in all my time at Wilderness and Knole.  And, Nuffield are also propping up the bottom of the league, but this is mere churlish detail.

"Socks" Falconer is really enjoying his squash and, boy, does it show.  Crisp, snappy, tight, and most entertaining.  Because David is moving so well and getting "on it" so early he has two or even three shot options most of the time and that micro - pause before striking the ball means he has usually figured out the best place to hit the ball which least suits his oppo.  Scott is a good player, as reflected by his ranking points, but David did not really give him room to play.  By the end Scott was frustrated and making just too many errors due to the pressure exerted on his game.

Very sharp 3/0 win.

Pete "wings" Sykes blessed us with his considerable presence from his normal base in gay Paree.  Looking fit and lithe as one would expect he has been playing good quality squash across the water.  Surprise indeed then that he struggled to impress in the first game and lost the second narrowly playing some frankly ragged stuff (of course by his high standards -- most of us - who are right handed - would give our left arms to be able to play the same sort of game that Pete conjures up on his WORST day).  What was this leaning on the racket at the end of the second --- surely not fitness issues!!???

Fergus was playing a very tight and measured game, matching Pete on court coverage and things looked dodgy.  It would appear however, that a certain chili burrito with boiled haloumi cheese (what !!!!) was presenting Pete with some intestinal issues that were impinging forcefully on his performance.  This rancid concoction probably figured on a nice quiet transformational transit through his nether regions (if indeed its possible for such a feast to harbour any thoughts or expectation) so it must have been a shock to be abruptly introduced to god on the big white telephone half way through the match. We need not linger on the graphic details, suffice to say, with a fourth game score line of 9/0!! all became clear.

Don’t expect me to write about your excellent court coverage, finely honed competitive instinct etc.  blah, blah, do you Pete?  -- The above was much more interesting to play with. 

Gritty win under adversity 3/1.

In the context of the above informed and incisive "sports" analysis Dan the man should appropriately carry the epithet "gaviscon" such was the smooth and soothing way in which he relieved his quick, young and talented opponent of three , not very tight, games.  I don’t want to see you lose Dan but I look forward next half, to a really tight 5 setter to enjoy your durable talents to the maximum.  Sublime win 3/0.

Gentleman Jim had a much less challenging game with Karen who is very successful lady veteran player in the dusk of her playing days.

A 27/0 was clearly well within James ' capabilities but I am pleased to say he gave Karen just enough room to express some of her considerable talent and tenacity.  A nice considerate 3/0 win.

Mike was also clearly going to find Pete Young a limited challenge and also treated him with restrained consideration.

I said to Pete afterwards that I play you guys in conditioned games, when I can play the whole court and you have to hit everything back to me ONLY to the back right, I still only get one or two points if you try, and Pete is probably near enough my peer even now.

Well played Mike, you did the necessary nicely!  win 3/0

Unfortunately we were not presented with a Nuffield Christmas nosh and one can only appreciate Barry’s efforts that much more.  Stato has availed himself of two such fine feasts and I am sure we all agree, he fully deserves it.

Best seasonal wishes to all and look forward to seeing some of you on Sunday at Zizzi.



Hi guys

JC was of the opinion that this match could be a very tight affair and certainly a points haul of 7 is a great improvement on last week’s effort of only 2 points.

This Knole 1 team is most surely competing at this elevated level of division 2 and the team that played on Tuesday is unlikely to be outclassed.  The great challenge however is to actually FIELD this team every week.  Next week James and David are likely to be unavailable so immediately JC will next to wave his magic wand and conjure up a competitive starting line!!??

It is interesting to observe that two matches started with 9/0 games and the second games only got to 3/9 (James) and 2/9 (Will).   One would think that these were destined to be brief encounters but these two matches proved to be closest tussles of the evening.

I have often said that a 9/0 starting game generally means very little with regard to the final score, but JC would perhaps be interested to validate this??

James exhibited a most impressive degree of physical and mental durability to pull round that apparently disastrous start and push the match to a very tight 5 setter.   Nailing that 5th game after such application was much more a tactical challenge (for him) than a physical one and we must applaud James for overcoming knee and Achilles issues.

I rarely challenge marking as a balcony observer but was minded to ask Ville how he marked two shot in James' final game as strokes rather than lets.   I find it extremely provocative when (especially very good) players call lets of balls that have not even REACHED them and moreover, it is clear that by the time they CAN actually hit the shot, their opponents are clear and the front wall is fully available. With absolutely no danger and nothing but minimal interference the striker pulls up knowing that the marker will favour a stroke rather than a let call.  James was remarkably restrained about these potential game changers and even-handedly blamed himself for putting the ball down the middle of the court rather than down the wall.  Mike, moreover, felt that Ville did not obviously get these calls wrong.

I however remain resolutely unimpressed by players who do not make EVERY EFFORT to play the ball.  Great match 2/3 loss.

I shall take this out of order and comment next on Mike v Ville (4th string) -- the marker in James' match.  Mike has never got more than 5 points off Ville but heroically took the first 9/5.  I think this first game was remarkable for the extreme amount of interference from Ville not moving off his shot. Had he been marked by the same standards that HE applied to marking James' match, he would have struggled to get any points.

As a general tactical observation players who do not clear their own shot also profoundly disadvantage themselves in preparation for their next strike.  It is no surprise therefore that as the interference quotient from Ville dropped the match turned on its head and Mike only got one point in the next two games.

Mike turned things round and looked good for the fourth from 7/2 but served out and lost the initiative. This one should have gone to 5.

As another general observation of the evening, I counted six out serves and often after very tough rallies. To give the initiative straight back to one’s opponent, when this is the only dead ball situation one ever plays in squash, is  careless to say the least -- a discussion I have had several times with Tim Handle !!. (Of course I have never hit a serve out in my life -- great being an observer eh??). Good one Mike - well played 1/3 loss.

Neill made a strapping start to this match and took the first with impressive confidence and court coverage.  Raould worked his way back into proceedings and without anything flashy took complete control.  Neill has all the driving length play one could want but the short stuff and necessary variation to win these matches AT THIS LEVEL don’t quite manifest.

It is telling that the balcony enjoyed a moment of levity when Neill hit a great lob followed by a tight drop and we asked if we were watching Neill.   Cruelly the next shot went into the tin and we said "he is back".  No doubt Neill would also like to be a tad fitter.  Hard work 1/3 loss

Last but not least our only winner Will.

After a very shaky start to which I have already alluded Will reeled Nico in in a most entertaining fashion.  Nico is not athletically constructed to play squash and very often seemed to be at full stretch, which is unsustainable in a tough 5 setter. His straight arm forehand is a technical weakness rarely seen in this higher league but limits his control on drop shots dramatically.

Will did great not to be fazed by the first two games and clearly takes the time honoured view that it aint over till the fat lady sings.

It takes me two hours to construct an epistle like this so it would be nice to know if anybody reads my efforts!!!

Well played all. See (some of) next week. Stay fit MJ


HOME V BEXLEY 2 ON 6/12/16

Season’s greetings to all.

It was not exactly a disappointment to be instructed at 5pm that Bexley would not have number 5 (they would be coming with a four man team only) so that puts 3 valuable points in the bag before we start.  Sorry to CSB if this late advice was too inconvenient but they were pretty unsure till the last minute.  Apparently Rob got a call but was installed on the bar at Bexley, and it appears that unfortunately he has regained the cuddly proportions he had for some years before his recent drastic denial of alcoholic beverages and consequent stunning weight loss -- pity!!

James has had most impressive spin of matches digging out wins from being 2/0 down. Last week we saw a most competitive loss by the finest of margins and this week it ended up another very close 9/7 in the 5th - maybe a touch of "regression to the mean" to which I have alluded before.  One wonders how two such excellent players could contrive to have a 0/9 Scott followed by a 9/2 James then a 1/9 Scott. The margins are so fine at this level that just a small lapse or elevation of standard can give a dramatic score swing.  Nerves apparently crept into James' final shots and robbed him of a win he richly deserved.

It was interesting to note that this game was not plagued by any of the interference and relentless lets of last weeks' match -- just goes to show that it takes two to "tango".

We saw more recovery shots off the back wall (by Scott) than I have seen in a whole seasons' worth of play which maybe indicates that James was doing good at getting the ball past him in unexpected ways.  Scott was a master at the cross court volley into the front nick and found that "kill zone" relentlessly -- this is certainly one of my favourite shots.

Very close and competitive 2/3 loss

David looked well up for a tussle and commenced proceedings accordingly streaking to a 2/0 advantage and finishing the second game with a six point straight run with no hand changes. Anthony, however is a deceptively effective and tight shot maker and covers the court with strong drives and clean recovery. It did strike me watching this, that Anthony’s' backhand serve was rarely tight to the wall and some of those cross court volley nicks a la Scott (above comment) could have paid dividends  for David .  SO-OOOOOO  2/2 and 8/4 down in the 5th looking all the way like a 9/4 , David rallied his resources and injected a rich seam of hallmark kills allied to stupendous physical effort and dragged this one to 8/8. The call for 1 to decide meant that winning just one point in the game would have rendered SIX match points to either player -- no pressure there then- but it didn’t go David’s' way this time.

Gallant loss 2/3

Mike sweated for England against a very steady opponent who forced a high error quotient and struck some very accurate hard flat kills.  The nip and tuck second game presented some tantalizing opportunities but Graham effectively stifled all burgeoning ambitions.  The third saw Graham taking comprehensive control and he ran out a fairly comfortable winner.

Hard fought 0/3 loss.

Will has been making an impressive fist of his matches every week and this was no different.

I didn't see the dropped first game but Will had this one well and truly under his control by the time I checked into the final fourth game.  This was a solid win against a stout opponent and Will looked no more than mildly physically affected at the end.

Good solid match squash and the only win at 3/1.

Stato reckoned it would be an 8 pointer so 10 looks good despite the obvious challenge of getting so close with two matches -- and it is much to James' and David’s' credit that they did not bring their inevitable disappointments off court (I rarely managed to do this myself in the day)

Great Xmas nosh -- sorry I will miss next week’s but warmer climes beckon again.

Hope you all have a great Xmas. 


Best wishes. Mark Johnson.


Home to Blackheath 24th Jan 2017

Morning all.

It’s good to be back in saddle and see everybody in great fettle, playing well and enjoying themselves at this dreary time of year.

John has been keeping the infrastructure in great shape also and the courts are playing very reliably despite some minor floor deterioration and ongoing attention to the front wall on court two.

James was looking like a hungry whippet, full of impressive confidence and obviously feeling fit and focused.  Tats was a known entity from past matches and whilst James was the ranking favourite Tats was looking like a formidable physical challenge, (but maybe carrying a pound or two since we last saw him). Tats has a most surprising backhand technique -- he rolls his wrist through the shot and flicks the ball, particularly on backhand high volleys -- losing reliable accuracy and certainly not getting the cut and work on the ball that nearly all good players exhibit (and which James demonstrates with aplomb).

A 9/1 to James then a 9/0 to Tats whetted the appetite for gallery then normal service was resumed and James took over, demonstrating an ability  to really push for pickups  -- an enthusiasm that Tats did not show the same desire to emulate.

On form comfortable win 3/1.

David is also clearly in good shape, and fundamentally, is enjoying his squash. Having lost to Gareth badly in the not too distant past this match was a significant challenge which David attacked with gusto and took the first game 9/3.  Gareth is a tall lanky and imposing player with all round excellent racket skills but maybe he was missing the level of desire that David was exhibiting.  However midway through the third set It looked like David may have been fading but then he suddenly picked up the pace with dominant enthusiasm and then carried this through to a 9/2 fourth game.

This was a very satisfying and much deserved win against a most capable opponent and bodes well for the remainder of this winter season.  Solid 3/1 win.

Having not seen any of Niall's game I asked him for a report quote and he commendably saw his role as pushing his team mates down the order.  It would be great if he was having a spell like James and David -- winning and enjoying his squash, but everything is cyclical as we all know and his time will come again.   A very tight second game nearly nailed another point but it was not to be and he was all in for the third.  Valiant 3/0 loss.

Will came off a famous win two weeks, which I missed unfortunately. With various nomination machinations it appeared that Rauld was maybe playing lower than he merited, so it was much to Wills credit that he dragged himself into strong contention and levelled the match 2/2 having looked second best in the third game.

 Having divested myself of marking duties on this one I came back to see Will 6/0 down in the fifth and despite commendable application he was unable to turn this around.

Rauld was very flaky in the second game when I gave a decision not to his liking -- losing 9/4 from a 4/1 lead!! But he proved a dedicated competitor, to eventually tidy up a 3/2 win.

Good oppo Will so 2 points was commendable -- however 3 points would have won us the match!!!!!!!!!!

 Mike apparently took to court with a 4 kg handicap shortly to be rectified by some serious carbohydrate avoidance the pursuance of which was not much aided by Barry’s potato dominated scram??  His extra "luggage" did not however stifle his enthusiastic court coverage which gave him the first game and a very close second game.  After this it appeared that his opponent had him on a string with some relentlessly accurate early takes and tight drops.  After so much time away it always takes a while to get back into the match mode so this was a commendable performance -- obviously with more to come in a week or two.

With a 6 point prediction, 8 points means the boys done good - and there was a very real opportunity to actually win ----- so WELL DONE.

 Good to see you all.  Stay fit and see you next week. MJ


AWAY - BEXLEY 3 - 22/02/17

Salutations to all.

Prior to the main event I should like to present the following "horses duvers" for you to enjoy.

Being no match on Tuesday I thought I would pop along to support the second team endeavours.

This little squash "vignette" was something I have not encountered before -- i.e. a bit of "edge" before a single ball was struck.

CSB spun his racket to decide server and his opponent questioned what actually designated up/down from the racket markings since this was not obvious and Chris, if he so chose could call his service wherever the racket fell ??!!  Chris's sense of fair play was thus impugned before they even started.

And who, you may ask, was this insulting specimen??? none other than the one and only Tony Davies who works hard in every match I have ever seen him play to bolster his league-wide reputation as a bit of a "miserable sod" as also confirmed by his own team.

Needless to say the rest of the match was much as one might have expected and all credit to Chris for pushing it close and having a positive experience on the night.

James just loves his tussles with Kieran.  Kieran is a tall athletic much younger and talented opponent but James now seems to have his number, even if the play extends to the full five sets. Alternate games were taken till the fifth and it really looked that Kieran might break James' spell, but it went nip and tuck to the very end and 9/7 in the fifth to James.

James is playing some really penetrating squash now, almost always achieving tight length and good width and since he is so well prepared for his next shot the killer drops really work well.

Great stuff -- only winner on the night.   WIN 3/2

Will was confronted with a fine athlete and GREAT mover in Lloyd, who just picked up EVERYTHING at the front of the court.   Floyd played a beautiful measured game and never over hit anything. His somewhat shaky service style belied the fact that the rest of his game was tactically very mature and very effective.

Will was disappointed but Lloyd deserved his dominant win ON THE NIGHT. Were you sharing phone numbers to play a friendly, Will? -- I would like to know how you get on if this transpires.

(PS -- you will owe me two dobs on the old match fees next time mate)

Challenging 0/3 loss

Mike looked very well set a two games up but Ross stuck to his task to take it to 2/2.

Play was interrupted by equipment issues and also Mike turning his ankle -- fortunately not badly -- though I am sure it will be tight today.  From a 9/0 down in the fourth Mike rallied with determined application in the fifth and VERY narrowly missed taking it.

Perhaps sticking with more shots down the line rather than cross court would have made the difference but one always tends to revert to one’s comfort zone tactically when under extreme pressure.

Valuable 2 points Mike. Very close 2/3 loss.

Both Jerry and Mr Creek really had their work cut out helping us this week in the absence of both David (back issues) and Niall (serious "dadding").

Thanks for your input and the odd extra point was not that far from adding to the above 5.   Thanks for playing -  0/3 losses.

We wish David the best of luck sorting his physical problems and i have to say that kids have never seemed a great idea to me, however i do appear to be the odd one out in this regard.

Stato seems to think that 5 or six points in each remaining match should fend off relegation but as we know too well, anything can happen before the apocryphal large person has sung.

Stay healthy or get healthy.  Best wishes MJ
