How are the 2nds faring?

A week earlier the second team, languishing in the shadow of their illustrious senior side, had further consolidated their mid-table position with a fighting win 3-2 over local rivals Wells Sports 2.

Up first, Gareth looked sharp for a game and a half, before succumbing to a lively Ben Smith.   On the other court, Mark Fleming was surprising the pundits by revelling in the fast local conditions and despatching a bemused young Nick Hughes. So 1-1 and looking like a close match.

Tim, enjoying his lowly ranking at 5th string, is making up for the insult with some good team points; often at the expense of fitter and younger opponents.  Ben Rasmussen can run like a scared rabbit, but not necessarily always in the right direction.  Tim showed no sympathy for the confused chap, with a sound 3-0 win (although the 2nd was close).  If Ben only knew that he is better than he is, he would do better.

Mike looked to have lost the knock up against a stylish but unorthodox opponent, Amar Winayak.  As usual, Mike started slowly 0-9 in the first, but was soon chasing down everything an putting away winners (he tells me the hips warm up after a bit and once he knows he can walk, he is much better).  Mike put the tie to bed with a 3-1 win.

Last up, Peter B on loan from the 1st team, found Wells Captain Mark Sykes on top form and could not find his own touch, going down 0-3.  No doubt saving his best shots for the Bexley Park game (see below).

All in all, a steady rise up the table  3 wins, 3 losses.  At half time, after a loss to Bromley Lawn Tennis and a win against Sundridge Park, KP2's will be in the same position.
