05/11/2013 KP1 vs Sundridge Park2

This should be entitled the HULK SMASH SLAM DUNK memorial game on account of how much Gary berkowitz would have enjoyed it.
Phew, what a week! Monday in Manchester with James to see Nick Matthew move forward to winning the world crown by beating Ramy (albeit due to injury
retirement)  then later Greg Gaultier in the final. Well done Nick --- fortuitous maybe, but you can only play what is put in front of you!!
Wed at the O2 to see Rafa do a number on Wawrinka and return to top spot on the tour (and probably to win the whole tournament ??) Also Roger got THREE separate awards for humanitarian work and good sportsmanship (13th consecutive!!) The very close nature of Rafas game just highlighted how small the margins are and explains why just a small drop off by Feds is impacting
so hard on his ability to dominate..
And sandwiched in the middle a memorable Knole 1 match !!!..
David was at his imperious best and made Jim look flat ordinary , which is some achievement since all the number 1.s i this league have a pretty good idea which end of the bat to hold. The all court game variety and early takes and kills just left Jim standing most of the time and the writing was on the wall well before half time..
Niall and Mark were disappointed with their efforts but will live to fight another day and tantalizingly set up what was to follow ( both 3/0 losses)

Very soon the gloom was descending on the possibility of a 4/1 thrashing with the overall score at 2/1 down and Chris s b down 2/0. Chris however had different ideas and carved out a brilliant 3/2 win. Richard had Chris on a string all over the court but his do-or die retrieving and chasing of lost  causes just negated Richards tactical and technical experience and he just ran out of ideas and puff..(3/2 win)
Pete entered the fray with uncertainty about his sore paw but it stood up to a thoroughly compelling and rigorous match. Many match balls were 
reached and lost and it went the full distance with no obvious indication of who would finally prevail. A fine all court game (3/2 win). Such was the interest that Chris was literally hanging from the rafters being unable to secure a decent spot on the gallery.

With no away game for the second team the groupie count was most impressive and the protagonists were enthusiastically encouraged by both teams 
as well as Messrs Skiller/Willis/Creek/Hall/Myself all of whom enjoyed the following social.
This was a blinding result in the absence of the maestro -- business in Singapore -- pah ! what a pitifull excuse. James has finally had to bail out and let his toes heal properly and clearly the doubt about Pete,s possible durability with his wrist problem was lurking -- hope there has been no adverse reaction since !!??.
To mangle a notable soccer term this was definitely a match of (approx) three thirds.
To lift another perennial favourite -- you cannot win the league in the first half but you sure can lose the opportunity to do so-- this kept us in the hunt.
This was "hanging -in" at its very best, well played ALL .. Niall and maybe Mark will no doubt have the opportunity at some later date to be the "heros"
Well done all ,and keep up the training !!  Mark Johnson
(PS --Gary -- hope you have managed to get yourself involved in some squash fun at home -- best wishes from all)